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農林攜手光明 跨足精品暢貨






日前光明集團董事長王宗南來台就曾考察過農林在三義的暢貨中心預定地,王宗南在擔任上海百聯集團總裁時,就曾經打造上海最大的精品暢貨中心─上海奧特萊斯品牌直銷廣場(SHANGHAI OUTLETS),王宗南在參觀三義後,也表達與農林的合作意願。


林金燕強調,看好王宗南打造暢貨中心的經驗,日前已經與光明集團就業務合作及入股事宜簽定合作備忘錄,目前陸資入股仍有一定法令限制,預期未來隨著兩岸簽定經濟合作架構協議(ECFA ),與光明集團合作將更順利。





New Zealand ad body launches children’s advertising code

  • §  May 24, 2010 source: just-food

New Zealand’s Advertising Standards Authority, a body that promotes “self-regulation” in advertising, has unveiled a set of guidelines after a year-long review.

The 26-page Children’s Code for Advertising Food lists a series of guidelines to which food makers must adhere, including that ads should not encourage children to consume in excess, and that ads should not “undermine” New Zealand government guidelines on food and nutrition for kids.

The advertising code also stipulates that “persons or characters well-known to children” should not be used to endorse food high in fat, salt and sugar.

The advertising watchdog admitted that, during consultation for the new code, some stakeholders made “serious and sincere concerns” about the “volume, timing and placement” of ads.

However, the watchdog said existing guidelines brought in by broadcasters in New Zealand had brought in “a number of limits” on advertising played during children’s programmes.

It said the broadcasters’ guidelines also included a “Children’s Food” rating that “restricted” products high in fat, salt or sugar being advertised around children’s progammes.

The code stated: “The panel considers that the introduction of the new Children’s Code for Advertising Food, which will impact on the overall content of advertising that influences children is the best way to address these concerns at this time.”

During the review, various groups questioned the effectiveness of industry self-regulation, which is not binding and which they suggested cannot effectively punish breaches.


Global market review: online grocery retailing

  • §  May 26, 2010  source: just-food

Online and internet shopping represents one of the fast growing sectors within the global food and grocery market at present, especially across the more developed parts of the world. With household internet access continuing to increase, the customer base for online grocery shopping is widening, while other technological innovations such as the advent of smart phones is further benefiting the market.

The global online grocery retailing market is dominated by the UK and the US, which together accounted for almost 75% of the world total in 2009. At less than 1.5%, however, online and internet channels still account for a very modest share of the global retail grocery market. Furthermore, food and groceries continue to lag well behind non-food items as far as the online retailing market is concerned, with consumers using the internet most frequently for booking travel and holidays, as well as for financial-related tasks such as banking.

The global market for online grocery retailing remains at a relatively early stage of development in many parts of the world. To date, sales of food and drinks over the internet have yet to make the same impact observed in other parts of the consumer goods industry, most notably books, clothing and electronic items such as computer equipment.

Global sales of food and drinks online were valued at US$19.9bn in 2009. This figure is limited to countries where a quantifiable market exists, all of which are mainly located in either Western Europe or North America. A truly global figure is thought to lie somewhere between US$20bn and US$30bn.

A number of major trends are shaping the development of the global online grocery retailing market. From a retail standpoint, the economic recession has altered ways in which people shop for groceries, while ongoing technological developments continue to affect the strategy of many leading operators within the e-commerce sector (eg: Tesco’s iPhone wine app, which provides product information such as price and tasting notes).

Although penetration levels have widened during the last decade, making purchases over the internet is still heaviest among society’s more affluent consumers, since a computer and modem are required to carry out the transaction, as well as either a debit or credit card. It is mainly for this reason that online grocery shopping tends to increase with social grade.

The supply structure for the online grocery retailing market differs throughout the world according to region. In the UK and Europe, the leading suppliers are the major food retail groups, whose profile and brands are already familiar to shoppers. As far as the major supermarket groups are concerned, online and internet shopping enables them to gain easy access to their customers, offering a wide range of items (both food and non-food) that shoppers might not have time to peruse in store.

As the next decade progresses, countries such as the UK, the US and some of the Western European nations are expected to retain their dominance of the global online grocery retailing market. Nevertheless, increasing household penetration of both internet and broadband throughout many parts of the world are expected to increase the consumer base and therefore make grocery shopping via the internet a more common practice for the global population.



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