
生產白蘭氏雞精聞名  食益補 彰濱廠擴產







吳光照表示,白蘭氏今年成立滿34年,去年儘管有金融海嘯,但白蘭氏由於產品多元化,加上健康養生訴求,全年營業額維持23 億元的持平水準,今年景氣復甦,預估年營收可突破25億元。



弘爺拚展店 年底突破1,000

年營收挑戰30億元 拉攏創業族加盟 朝輕食餐飲轉型 將揮軍麵包連鎖市場










速食標示營養 八業者下月試辦


Surging food prices are blamed for driving up China's CPI growth rate this April. Vegetable prices alone rose 30 percent and the continuously rising commodity prices reached a new high in April 2010. A vegetable wholesaler commented, "Vegetable prices were much higher this April than last year. For example, tomato prices used to be just over 1 yuan per 500 grams. Now they are more than 3 yuan."

Wholesale market figures show that in April of this year, average vegetable prices are up as much as 20 to 30 percent from a year ago. Extreme weather was likely one of the causes with warm weather coming later than normal and drought conditions in southwestern China also affecting farm produce. Dry weather has been ravaging southwest China for months, affecting 61.3 million residents and 5 million hectares of crops in Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing, and Guangxi. Many vegetable prices have more than doubled. In addition, this January many parts of China were hit with extreme freezing temperatures with some areas seeing some of the worst snowstorms and cold fronts in a half-century which has also caused prices to rise.




響應北縣府政策的八家業者,分別是麥當勞、肯德基、必勝客、達美樂、拿坡里、頂呱呱、21世紀炸雞及漢堡王,縣府也一再通知SUBWAY 潛艇堡但未獲回應。




入股老虎啤酒母公司   麒麟砸10億美元 獵捕星獅




星獅集團是知名老虎啤酒(Tiger Beer)母公司,旗下擁有房地產與出版事業,在全球14個國家擁有37間啤酒廠,並在馬來西亞、泰國與新加坡經營F&N品牌的軟性飲料事業。

今年2月間,麒麟與三得利的談判破局,也粉碎日本啤酒廠整合的美夢。如果當時雙方能夠談妥併購條件,交易金額可達38億日圓,有機會成為全球最大啤酒公司安布英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)的勁敵。日本人口萎縮與經濟衰退導致內需市場疲軟。

麒麟表示,中程目標是成為亞洲與大洋洲領導性的食品飲料大廠,希望2015年前提高海外銷售的比重至30%。目前麒麟海外銷售占總銷售26%,較2006年的18%大幅成長。麒麟不斷拓展全球觸角,去年曾收購菲律賓生力啤酒公司(San Miguel48%的股權,並入股澳洲Lion Nathan公司。




黑松深坑地開發 估賺40億


“60年老店再出發”    黑松要結合生技 放眼中國市場


黑松沙士今年歡度60周年生日,不是大張旗鼓的展開商業促銷,而是投入「節能減碳抗暖化」的綠色環保行動。張斌堂表示:替老店「體檢」 要搶生技這塊餅,未來要把生技的產品在食品中呈現出來,健康食品這個領域是他準備已久的板塊。






Philippines' Jollibee to Build Facility in China

資料來源:路透社 28/07/2010

July 28 - Philippine fast-food firm Jollibee Foods Corp said a joint venture will invest 50 million yuan ($7.4 million) to build and run a processing plant in China to supply its growing business in the country.

Jollibee, which outsells global fast-food chains McDonalds and KFC in its home market, operates the 177-store Yonghe King and 49-store Hong Zhuang Yuan in China.

Next year, it will acquire a 55 percent stake in San Pin Wang, a low priced beef noodle restaurant chain with 34 stores in southern China, under an April 2010 agreement.

Jollibee said its wholly owned Chinese unit and Singapore's Hua Xia Harvest Holdings Pte Ltd would build the plant in Anhui province, which it said provided access to agricultural products and the key markets of Shanghai and Beijing

Production will begin in 2011, the company said


Vegetable Prices up 20 to 30% in China During the First Part of 2010, According to Yasheng Group      

REDWOOD CITY, CA, Jul 27, 2010

Yasheng Group (PINKSHEETS: YHGG) continues to expand its production bases and innovate with investments into cold storage & packaging, transportation logistics, and product branding to meet the growing food demands of the Chinese consumer while remaining prepared for market fluctuations due to natural disasters.

Surging food prices are blamed for driving up China's CPI growth rate this April. Vegetable prices alone rose 30 percent and the continuously rising commodity prices reached a new high in April 2010. A vegetable wholesaler commented, "Vegetable prices were much higher this April than last year. For example, tomato prices used to be just over 1 yuan per 500 grams. Now they are more than 3 yuan."

Wholesale market figures show that in April of this year, average vegetable prices are up as much as 20 to 30 percent from a year ago. Extreme weather was likely one of the causes with warm weather coming later than normal and drought conditions in southwestern China also affecting farm produce. Dry weather has been ravaging southwest China for months, affecting 61.3 million residents and 5 million hectares of crops in Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing, and Guangxi. Many vegetable prices have more than doubled. In addition, this January many parts of China were hit with extreme freezing temperatures with some areas seeing some of the worst snowstorms and cold fronts in a half-century which has also caused prices to rise.

Yasheng Group remains one of the best positioned companies in its space with tremendous long term growth opportunities. The Company continues to innovate with new initiatives to meet the growing demands of an expanding middle class with rising incomes which is demanding improved quality and better food safety with higher end food and vegetable products.

The company has taken a balanced approach with its agriculture base by expanding industrial style farms and green house capabilities with modern sustainable agriculture practices. Yasheng Group has also finished several new projects relating to cold storage and packaging houses which will improve the Company's overall logistics and storage capabilities. And the company continues to maintain its beam focus on product development, Sales & Branding, and transportation logistics to bring the Company's products more directly to wholesale houses in major cities as well as directly to the end user.


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