1.中國酒商杜康 TDR將登台 台菸酒備戰 與黑松合設物流公司卡位通路【蘋果日報】2010/12/27
轉載自:蘋果日報 2010/12/27
2. 天候異常 糖咖啡棉價破表打通膨 南韓降商品進口稅 中國釋儲備砂糖標售【蘋果日報】2010/12/22
荷蘭銀行(ABN Amro)日前改變今年度糖供過於求預測,預估截至明年9月底的市場年度,全球糖供給仍將較需求短少近300萬公噸,連3年供不應求。
3. 行銷+包裝 太麻里打造精品咖啡【聯合報】2010/12/27
咖啡是台東縣新興農作,太麻里華源地區早年曾大量種植柑橘類作物,之後大多改種荖花荖葉、釋迦,其實華源山區面臨太平洋,海風裡的鈉離子成 分、加上日夜溫差大,擁有優越地理環境、氣候條件,非常適合種植咖啡。3年前當地農民開始轉型種植阿拉比卡咖啡,栽種情形非常良好,今年開始生產。
4. 上島珈啡 來台搶灘【經濟日報】2010/12/27
5. 台酒公司 推B2B採購卡【聯合報】2010/12/28
1. Dairy giant Yili to launch Disney-themed products【AFN】2010/12/24
The Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group, one of China’s largest dairy product manufacturers, has announced a five-year partnership with Walt Disney.Yili will be Disney’s exclusive dairy partner in mainland China from 2011 to 2015, developing a series of new products, including yoghurt, milk and ice cream, which will be aimed at young Chinese children.
“The partnership will significantly enhance the vitality of Yili brand,” said a Beijing-based Yili spokesperson.
The first batch of products, called Disney-Yili QQ Star yoghurt, will hit the market in March, she said.
Other details, including retail initiatives and marketing, are still under discussion. Prior to the Yili deal, Disney has also worked with other Chinese food companies, such as the Foshan-based Foshan Daxin Jinpeng Food Co. and Guilin-based Guilin Chanjuan Food Co.
2. Fewer pesticides and higher yields and incomes【AFN】2010/12/24
West African farmers have succeeded in cutting the use of toxic pesticides, increasing yields and incomes and diversifying farming systems as a result of an international project promoting sustainable farming practices.Around 100 000 farmers in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal are participating in a community-driven training programme (West African Regional Integrated Production and Pest Management (IPPM) Programme) executed by FAO.
Working in small groups, called Farmer Field Schools, smallholders are developing and adopting ‘good agricultural practices’ through learning-by-doing and hands-on field experiments.
To grow healthy crops, IPPM promotes soil improvement and alternatives to chemical pesticides such as the use of beneficial insects, adapted varieties, natural pesticides and cropping practices. Marketing and food safety issues are also part of the training programme.
“Trends in agriculture over the past decades in West Africa have seen an increasing use of highly toxic pesticides in higher-value, frequently irrigated crops. There is a general lack of knowledge in the region of the negative impacts of pesticides on the production, economy and health of communities and the environment,” said William Settle, FAO Senior Technical Officer.
“Simple experiments in the field, as practised by the Farmer Field Schools, have given smallholders the means to produce in a more environmentally friendly way, to substantially increase yields and earn a better income,” Settle added.
“Capacity building at community level is key to the sustainable intensification of food production, which will contribute to increased food security and improved livelihoods in the region, an important step towards achieving the first Millennium Development Goal, reducing hunger and poverty.”
Collectively searching for alternatives
Typically, a group of around 25 farmers coordinated by a trainer prepares two training plots in their village, one using local conventional farming methods and another plot using best practices appropriate to the crop and location based on IPPM, to observe and compare results from the two plots.
Over 2 000 trainers coming from dozens of local government, private sector and civil society organizations have been taught to support farmers in applying sustainable farming methods.
In Mali, a survey conducted in 65 villages of cotton farmers who were trained in 2007-08 showed a 94 percent reduction in the use of chemical pesticides and a 400 percent increase in the use of organic material like compost and manure, substances that can reverse the decline in soil fertility.
In Burkina Faso, IPPM helped increase yields from between 14 and 70 percent. Almost 16 000 cotton farmers have been trained in the project, and that number should double by the end of 2011.
Data from Senegal and Mali show 90 percent reductions in the use of chemical pesticides among farmers one to two years after training. In Senegal, farmers also shifted towards the use of botanical and biological pesticides. Farmers’ increased use of organic material such as compost and rice straw is one of the most striking results of the programme, FAO said.