






  FAO最新發佈的報告稱,去年12月,由於糖、穀物和含油種子等價格攀升拉高整體食品價格,食品價格指數已經創下1990年以來的最高紀錄。根 據統計,糖和肉類食品的價格目前創下了歷史高點,穀物價格也逼近2008年的峰值。此外,數據還顯示,食品價格指數已經連續6個月處於上漲態勢。



  去年,歐洲小麥價格翻倍,美國玉米價格上漲超過50%,大豆價格也上漲超過30%。阿巴西安表示,儘管一些主要糧食出口國的農作物生長條件受到 挑戰,但很多發展中國家最近喜獲豐收,這使得政府和消費者還能勉強應付價格飆升帶來的困境。他舉例說,一些非洲國家近期玉米收成不錯。但是,澳大利亞目前 的洪災對糖、甘蔗等商品價格的影響可能會持續3年之久。由於澳大利亞還是全球小麥第四大出口國,因此小麥價格可能也將受到影響。




網購日用品洗牌 進口零食 健康飲品 超夯 業績3倍跳 宅生活時代來臨


網購便宜,商品數量愈來愈多,加上快送服務,讓宅生活時代來臨,在家動動手指,吃用全搞定,國內兩大網購業者PChome 24h購物與Yahoo!奇摩購物快速到貨,2010年業績均比2009年暴增,PChome 24h購物業績3倍跳,而10大熱賣商品也大洗牌,除衛生紙一樣熱門外,進口零食取代國內零食擠進前5名,健康類商品如飲品與防掉髮的洗髮精都首次擠進前10名。報導╱王雪玲 攝影╱副刊攝影組

網購日用品交出漂亮成績單,PChome 24h購物去年12月站上銷售商品數量由前年同期23萬種成長至今年超過35萬種,商品數成長近5成,業績則飆高3倍;而Yahoo!奇摩購物快速到貨商品數也達10萬種,業績則提高8成。


PChome Online網路家庭行銷處公關主任蔣成偉表示,2010年可說是雲端購物年,上網買日用品的型態確立,尤其是衛生紙因體積大,宅配到家更方便,持續熱賣,去年PChome 24h購物整箱衛生紙最熱賣,賣出80萬串,若以一串衛生紙平均10包高度80公分計,累積高度達64萬公尺,以台北101大樓508公尺計算,一年賣掉1260座台北101大樓,也等於72座喜馬拉雅山聖母峰(8844.43公尺)

2010年網購快送商品異軍突起算是進口零食,因景氣轉好,大家捨得花錢,不少人喜歡上網買進口零食,尤其是泰國海苔在Yahoo!奇摩購物快速到貨區排行第1名,在PChome 24h購物也居第2,蔣成偉說,小老板厚片海苔最高紀錄一天賣出3000包以上。


也因景氣好,消費者更願意投資健康,往年熱賣飲品以可樂、大桶礦泉水為主,今年兩大網購熱門飲品都強調有健康概念,去年熱門的爽健美茶在PChome 24h購物排名第3、康健生機歐芙有機蘋果原汁排名第4、桂格養氣人蔘也擠進第10名;而Yahoo!奇摩快速到貨中,御茶園每朝健康無糖綠茶也排名第9位。有趣的是,連防落髮的落建潔淨豐量洗髮精也擠進PChome 24h購物第8名。


使用族群方面,蔣成偉表示,PChome 24h購物以25~39歲上班族為主,不少人上班前訂貨,下班就可收到商品;Yahoo!奇摩購物中心生活群主管蔡伯璟指出,Yahoo!奇摩購物快速到貨使用族群較寬,平均客單價約400多元,因快速到貨有助吸引新客戶,今(6)日起到1/253000件以上年節商品,在早上6點到中午12點訂購,新竹以北可12小時到貨,其他時段與地區,台灣本島24小時到貨,希望透過快速運送方式,讓更多消費者上網購物。


轉載自:蘋果日報  2011/01/06









轉載自:國際日報  2011/01/05

地方大代誌-南投 推廣茶葉產地證明標章






轉載自:工商時報  2011/01/03




民進黨立委翁金珠說:『(原音)台灣本身有非常多的優質商品以及很好的製造廠商,但是鑑於台灣與中國未來因為ECFA的交流頻繁後,可能對我們本地 廠商造成很大的衝擊,所以如果可以標示是Made in Taiwan,我們台灣製造的廠商,以及材料、成分跟原產地,對國人的保障會更多。』



轉載自:中央廣播電台  2011/01/10

Kraft Foods to Sell Wedel Business in Poland to Lotte Group

  • June 30, 2010
  • Josette Dunn

Kraft Foods today announced it has signed an agreement to sell Cadbury’s E. Wedel-branded chocolate and sugar confectionery operations in Poland to Lotte Group for an undisclosed sum. The sale, which is subject to customary regulatory approvals, includes the E. Wedel business, its related brands and a manufacturing facility in Warsaw. Approximately 1,000 Cadbury Wedel employees will transfer to Lotte Group.Kraft Foods will keep the remaining Cadbury business in Poland, including the Halls brand and other non-E. Wedel-branded chocolate and sugar confectionery products sold in Poland and two manufacturing plants in Skarbimierz. Subject to approval by the European Commission, Kraft Foods will also retain a third Cadbury plant in Bielany Wroclawskie, Poland.

This sale follows the European Commission’s decision to approve Kraft Foods’ acquisition of Cadbury plc conditioned on the divesture of the Cadbury E. Wedel business in Poland and the Cadbury chocolate confectionery and soft-cake business in Romania. The divestiture of the Romanian business will be the subject of a separate announcement at a later date.

With annual revenues of approximately $48 billion, Kraft Foods is a global powerhouse in snacks, confectionery and quick meals. The company is the world’s second largest food company, making delicious products for billions of consumers in more than 160 countries. The portfolio includes 11 iconic brands with revenues exceeding $1 billion - Oreo, Nabisco and LU biscuits; Milka and Cadbury chocolates; Trident gum; Jacobs and Maxwell House coffees; Philadelphia cream cheeses; Kraft cheeses, dinners and dressings; and Oscar Mayer meats. Approximately 70 brands generate annual revenues of more than $100 million. Kraft Foods (; NYSE: KFT) is a member of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Standard & Poor’s 500, Dow Jones Sustainability Index and Ethibel Sustainability Index.

Based in Tokyo, Lotte Group is a multinational conglomerate with annual sales of Yen3,547bn (approximately $40bn). Founded in 1948 as a chewing gum company, it currently operates in a variety of sectors, including food and confectionery, retail, travel and tourism, industrial chemicals and construction, and finance. As the original business, confectionery is at the core of the Lotte Group’s operations. Lotte Group’s confectionery portfolio includes many well-known Asian brands, such as Xylitol, Koala March and Ghana. Lotte Group ( is the largest chewing gum manufacturer in Asia and third largest in the world.

Reese’s Minis Surprising Launch at Consumer Electronics Show

  • January 7, 2011
  • Josette Dunn

In one of the most unexpected launches at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the Reese’s brand, makers of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, yesterday unveiled the latest mini-innovation in candy snacks - Reese’s Minis. Billed as the “Next Big, Little Thing,” Reese’s Minis are the smallest Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups ever, and the first snacking candy to be introduced at CES.

Reese’s Minis, from The Hershey Company, are approximately the size of a dime and feature the same combination of chocolate and peanut butter of the traditional Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in a smaller, unwrapped version.

Launching a confectionery at an electronics shows seems like a bizarre marketing strategy, however in today’s saturated market, it may have caught consumers’ attention as being just quirky and different enough to work.

Anna Lingeris, spokesperson for the Reese’s brand is keen to justify the strategy, saying “Techies at CES seek out cool innovations like mini-tuners, mini-cams, nano-mice, mini-keyboards, and gotta-have gadgets so small you could fit a fistful in your pocket.

“So who says that the next, big mini innovation can’t come from a candy company? Reese’s Minis reflect the best in creative product innovation and ‘on-the-go’ interfacing with user taste buds. And they solve an important issue for techies, too - their size and unwrapped state makes them ergonomically perfect for one-handed internet surfing or tapping out a text message.”

The Reese’s brand, taking a page from some of the top Silicon Valley product launches, took the show by storm in the Grand Lobby with a giant orange Reese’s box and a count down to the big unveiling the first day of the show. Well-known tech personality and self described “geek, internet entrepreneur and technology enthusiast” Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome, and Jim St. John, Vice President of Research & Development at The Hershey Company, opened the giant 10′ x 20′ box to reveal the new Reese’s Mini, appearing in the spotlight on a glass pedestal.

To build buzz prior to CES the Reese’s brand also worked with a handful of tech influencers, to create teaser videos to drive visibility for the launch. The videos, which spoof the “unboxing” trend in the tech world, didn’t reveal the new product but feature influencers opening up the giant orange Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup boxes and teasing the product launch.

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