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2010/10/22轉載自:中國時報  2010/10/22






有機食品商機誘人 處處含金

2010-10-25 01:42 工商時報記者馬婉珍/台北報導



 根據密歇根大學伊維特‧珀費克托教授(Ivette Perfecto)一項研究顯示,在傳統農業國家,發展有機農業可產生比先進國家透過嚴苛標準多3倍食物,絕對可滿足現有地球人口糧食需求。尤其在中國今年正因農產品價格高漲,導致消費者物價指數攀升至3%以上之際,有機農業的發展,也被各國列入「節能減碳」的發展重點。


 雖然2009年景氣負面因素衝擊整體食品銷售成長,有機食品銷售成長卻持續大幅超越整體傳統食品與非食品項目。根據美國有機貿易協會(OTA, Organic Trade Association)分析,2009年有機食品營收成長速度為整體食品2倍。此外,有機食品在許多過去有機概念較不被接受的地區的滲透率也持續增加。



工商時報    A4/面對面           2010/10/18


 繼在大陸成功發展連鎖後,台灣本土最大的餐飲連鎖集團王品集團正式啟動國際化腳步前進東協泰國,王品集團並選定與泰國Mai Tan餐飲集團合作,將旗下平價和風創作料理品牌「陶板屋」授權對方在泰國發展連鎖,預計明年上半在曼谷開出首家店面。

 將於今(20)日與王品集團董事長戴勝益以「聯姻」形式簽約締盟的Mai Tan企業負責人父Tan Pasakornnatee ,在泰國有「餐飲業教父」令譽,其在泰國創立的Oishi餐飲集團,從員工數不到50人的小公司,如今已是員工數近5,000人,營業額將近100億泰銖的餐飲王國。


轉載自:工商時報 2010/10/20


味丹今年營收挑戰215億 董座楊頭雄:台灣、越南廠將擴產,搶攻東協市場,明年保健食品打進中國通路

  發行TDR 要一舉中的
  中國保健食品 打通路戰
  生技大廠 有意合作登陸
  答:DHA廣範運用於龍膽石斑、大閘蟹、蟳龍魚等高價水產,過去業者以有機溶劑從魚油中萃取DHA,成大卻從金黃藻中培養出天然DH A藻種,成大技轉已進入第2階段,通過食品研究所的添加物許可後, DHA藻種可添加在味丹的紅麴、納豆、綠藻及藍藻等保健食品上,甚至可添加在牛奶、餅乾及泡麵等產品上。


紅酒 中國炒作拉菲不手軟

更新日期:2010/10/25 04:11   編譯劉千郁/特稿


紅酒基金 另類投資工具

中國頂級消費者無畏金融風暴,花錢依舊毫不手軟,在全球經濟衰退的期間,中國十幾個城市的高級住宅價格逆勢成長兩倍,金條價格在今年同樣創下同樣漲幅,上等的玉在過去幾個月價格上漲50%,每英兩價格高達3,000美元,超過黃金的兩倍,除了房產、珠寶以外,中國富豪投資在紅酒、大紅袍茶葉上的金額更令人瞠目結舌,使得法國興業銀行(Societe Generale)準備在中國設立紅酒基金、法國著名的拉菲酒莊(Chateau Lafite Rothschild)更因為重視中國成長快速的市場,罕見地在香港直接舉辦紅酒競標。



每年夏初法國波爾多地區約200到300家的酒廠與仲介商進行酒的預購交易(sale en primeur),買賣酒期貨合約,仲介商再與收藏家、投資人或零售商交易。中國消費者的競相搶購刺激預購價格飆漲,最受到富豪青睞的是拉菲酒莊生產的波爾多酒,在中國被稱為「拉菲」,每瓶價格在4,500到6,000元人民幣之間,專家擔心不正常的高價所造成的紅酒價格泡沫與後續對全球酒市場的影響,同時指出被炒高的價格已經完全不符合酒的真正價值。




Mars Inc reveals plans to realign global chocolate operations

§  October 22, 2010

§  source: just-food

Mars Inc is to restructure its global chocolate operations in a bid to make the company more focused and competitive in the marketplace.

The US-based food group told just-food last night (21 October) that the realignment would take place worldwide although final decisions were still to be made on the details of the revamp.

Earlier this week, UK reports said the Mars bar, Snickers and Galaxy maker was restructuring its business in the country.

However, Alison Clarke, corporate affairs director for Mars UK, told just-food that the UK would not be the only market would the company would reorganise its operations.

“Top line we are making some changes globally and there has been some realignment on where each market fits. There will be changes in the Asia market and how we set up those businesses, so it’s not just Europe and the UK, there is a new Asia region in place. But it will all be internal and about how we manage our business.”

Clarke said the restructuring will allow Mars to be more focused on the consumer and the company’s competition within each separate region.

“It is about grouping markets together so that we are more focus and looking at similarities with the consumer and where the competition is,” Clarke said. “If you take the UK for example, our biggest competitors are Cadbury, Nestle and Kraft Foods. In continental Europe, Ferrero is a very good player but it is not a very good player in the UK.”

Clarke said Mars’ customer base was different in each market. “There are also the big supermarket groups like Tesco in the UK and Carrefour in France. So what we’re allowing the UK to do now is to focus on the UK market specifically, the economy and allow it to be able to deliver against those very different consumers, competitors and customers.”

As a result of the changes, Fiona Dawson will head up the UK’s chocolate business as president. She has been promoted from the role of managing director.

Peter West, general manager for Mars Snackfood, will run the continental Europe operations. No other appointments have yet been announced.

Clarke said Mars would finalise its plans in the next few weeks.

“Because of various legal agreements we have in place, details of any further changes have not been made yet, so it is all happening at the moment. In a few weeks there will be more clarity and definite decisions.”

China more careful in choosing their confectionery consumption

§  October 20, 2010

§  Josette Dunn

Rising living standards, burgeoning incomes and changing consumer demographics have spurred the demand for quality products across consumer market segments including confectionery products in China.

Globally, the confectionery markets appear to have been most affected by the economic recession as well as a concurrent trend of health consciousness. With alarming statistics of diabetes patients in various Asian countries, consumers are cautious of the ingredients, more specifically of the calories they tend to consume on a daily basis. China is also no exception to this as it comprises of the second highest population of diabetic patients in the world.

“The country is plagued by the phenomenon called ‘little emperor’ where a single child is pampered by parents as well as both set of grand parents with all kinds of confectionery products as well as savory snacks. This has lead to increased incidence of obesity as well as tooth decay among children resulting in a demand for healthy snacking options,” says Varun Kumar, Datamonitor Senior Analyst and co-author of the report, Product Insights: Confectionery in China.

Manufacturers such as Beijing April Gourmet Co. and Shanghai Xinhuazhuang Foods have taken cognizance of this fact and introduced products with claims such as ‘no artificial flavor’ and ‘added calcium’.

Datamonitor’s recent report ‘Product Insights: Confectionery in China’ states that in the global confectionery market, China ranks 6th in terms of total new products launched in 2009. This reflects the remarkable significance of this geography for global confectionery manufacturers. Both domestic and international manufacturers consider the confectionery market in China to be lucrative and potentially high-reward. The mature nature of the confectionery markets in Western countries is encouraging international manufacturers to look at growth markets such as China. Another fact that tends to appeal manufacturers is the burgeoning Chinese middle class which has ensured enough market potential for the confectionery companies.

Chinese customers are becoming more selective and are actively seeking quality products. This trend is expected to drive the number of new product launches from companies which emphasize quality rather than price.

“Compared to other Asia Pacific countries like Australia, Japan and Taiwan, chocolate consumption per capita in China is among the lowest; this low penetration of confectionery products coupled with a rise in per capita income of Chinese consumers provides an opportunity for manufacturers to tap into the high potential of the market”, says Varun Kumar, Datamonitor Senior Analyst and author of the report.

Traditionally, confectionery products, especially sugar confectionery have represented a preferred gift item which is presented at weddings, birthdays and New Year’s celebrations. For instance, hard peanut candy and sesame candy are customarily exchanged between families and guests during weddings as a way to express appreciation for attending the wedding. At traditional Chinese weddings, candies are often wrapped in red and decorated with a golden symbol of ‘double happiness’. “Chocolates are gradually replacing sugar confectionery in this context and, in order to tap into this trend, market participants are launching chocolates packaged in auspicious colors of red and yellow” concludes Kumar.























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