秋預購參一「咖」 星巴克搶月餅商機
轉載自:卡優新聞網 2010/08/04
工商時報 A13/法人票選股 2010/08/01
中天 攜手大潤發 搶保健商機
中天生技(4128)積極搶攻大陸市場,該公司與大潤發聯手搭建兩岸保健食品第一品牌!在雙方已同意建立戰略合作夥伴關係,共同發展「維他屋VitaHouse」品牌,首批保健品8月出口大陸,9月起約有 30項產品在上海、蘇州19家大潤發量販通路上架,預期對今年營運即有加持作用下,吸引買盤看好,預期50元打底完成後,股價將再揚升。
飲料、包材正熱 黑松、宏全吃香
台股周一價量齊揚,傳產類股也有亮麗表現,食品類股由於原物料價格上揚以及中元節商機題材,加以佳格(1227)周一除權息亮麗行情帶動持續帶量上攻,類股指數突破800點關卡,上漲9.62點(漲幅 1.21%),由於飲料熱賣帶動飲料產品出貨成長及包裝材料商機,法人建議可以留意黑松(1234)、宏全(9939)等個股連結之權證。
環保意識 有機啤酒漸流行
更新日期:2010/08/03 10:09
從2005年起,每年夏天在波特蘭舉辦的「北美有機啤酒釀造業者節慶」(North American OrganicBrewers Festival),今年已經進入第6屆。這場免費參加的年度盛會,不但成為有機啤酒釀造業者拓展業績的重要舞台,也是波特蘭地區民眾闔家出遊消磨夏日時光的活動。
已連續6年參加這項活動的波特蘭當地有機啤酒釀造業者馬丁(Marc C. Martin)指出,現代人對於環保越來越重視,使得有機啤酒也越來越普遍,過去幾年來已經看到大幅成長。他指出,自從2005年活動開辦,他的業績到現在成長幅度超過200%。
記者昨天在世紀聯華超市華商店裡看到,很多品牌的飲料都在醒目位置擺開了陣勢,大搞促銷。在一樓走道人流量最大的區域,康師傅今年的新品“酸梅 湯”擺滿了貨架,促銷員不停地在做著推銷。邊上一位經常逛超市的大姐告訴記者:“今年酸梅湯最紅了,前段時間,這個位置是九龍齋酸梅湯,現在又換成康師傅 了。”
雖然這些品牌的酸梅湯才剛亮相,但市場銷售卻很火。“酸梅湯可以說是我們這兩周以來飲料銷售的亞軍。”體育場一家小店老闆說,他也是6月底才進 的,沒想到賣得這麼好。而在附近另一家小店裡,幾個小姑娘在詢問有沒有康師傅的酸梅湯,老闆有點惋惜地搖搖頭:“今天沒貨啊,進不到貨啊。”
記者在超市飲料專區看到,果汁飲料、碳酸飲料和維C飲料環繞中,“酸梅湯”佔據了不小的位置,九龍齋、康師傅、天喔茶莊、統一等多個品牌開始搶 奪這個新市場。“現在北方區域的飲品紛紛醞釀著南下,九龍齋已經開始打響全國銷售戰,這就和以前王老吉涼茶北上一樣。”一位業內人士表示。
記者在淘寶網上輸入“酸梅湯”,跳出了近900件商品。“去年哪有那麼多的。”經常網購零食的KITTY說。而今年,記者在網上看到,有京城老 字型大小信遠齋酸梅湯、九龍齋酸梅湯、臺灣風味津兆尹酸梅湯、武漢百年秘方青菱酸梅膏、果多(原正廣和)酸梅湯……粗略一數,就有幾十家“酸梅湯”。有的是開 罐即可飲用的,也有的是需要進行勾兌的,還有沖泡型酸梅粉。最便宜的價格在1元多一袋,價格貴的則在30元左右一瓶。
Cargill to supply Unilever’s sustainable palm oil
- § August 3, 2010
- § Nicole Eckersley
Edible oils giant Cargill has entered into a supply agreement to provide Unilever’s European operations with 10,000 tonnes of sustainable palm oil.
Cargill will provide the company with segregated oil, certified by the Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), the production and supply chain of which is entirely separate from other non-sustainable products.
Cargill said its new offering will strengthen its ability to provide sustainable palm oil products to meet customers’ requirements and will complement its existing certified RSPO Mass Balance palm oil offering.
“Our agreement with Unilever is the result of both companies’ strong commitment to supporting responsible supply chains”, said Paul Naar, head of Cargill’s food business in Europe. “As the demand for certified sustainable palm oil continues to grow, we are combining our supply chain expertise and industry knowledge to provide customers with choices to meet their particular requirements. We are very pleased to partner with Unilever and see this as a big step forward in the drive towards palm oil sustainability.”
“Unilever is ahead of plan to achieving 100 percent sustainable palm oil by 2015 with over 35 percent already being RSPO certified this year”, said Marc Engel, Chief Procurement Officer at Unilever. “Today’s announcement marks another important milestone in our journey to 100 percent sustainable palm oil, as Cargill’s physically segregated certified oil will be delivered in our factories and used in our products. We are very pleased that Cargill, as one of our strategic partners, is sharing our vision on sustainable palm oil and enabling this for us.”
Cargill’s offering of fully segregated refined palm oil follows the RSPO certification of the company’s European and Malaysian oil refineries. PT. Hindoli in Sumatra, Indonesia received its RSPO certification in February 2009 and Cargill is currently working to certify its other palm plantation in Indonesia, Harapan Sawit Lestari.
Cargill said that it fully supports the RSPO process to promote the growth and use of sustainable palm oil throughout the supply chain. The company announced that it has set a goal of buying 60 per cent of its total crude palm oil from RSPO members by the end of 2010. Cargill also said they are encouraging their third-party suppliers to join RSPO and attain certification, with an eventual goal of a 100 per cent RSPO certified supply chain.
The palm oil industry has suffered a serious public relations blow in recent months, with campaigns by a wide variety of green groups criticising the destruction of rainforests and animal habitats by palm oil producers.
Campaign group Rainforest Action Network welcomed the move by Cargill, and expressed hope that the move would lead to further steps in creating a sustainable palm oil industry.
“We’re encouraged to see that Cargill and Unilever are teaming up to show the industry that certified sustainable palm can be achieved,” said Leila Salazar-Lopez, Rainforest Agribusiness Campaign Director. “Cargill is showing that it is capable of providing fully traceable palm oil from RSPO certified sources and Unilever is showing that customers will follow through on their commitments to purchase palm oil at a higher cost, if assured that it is certified sustainable by the RSPO. We remain concerned, however, that the RSPO’s standards are not yet strong enough to assure customers that this palm oil is entirely free from forest destruction or other environmental damage.”
“We encourage Cargill to clean up its entire supply chain, and to make certified segregated palm oil available to all of their customers, particularly those in the U.S. This is particularly important because today’s Unilever commitment accounts for only 10,000 metric tones, a tiny percentage of the total volumes of palm oil that Cargill trades every year.”
Stevia firm PureCircle launches consumer campaign
- August 4, 2010
- source: just-food
Stevia supplier PureCircle yesterday (3 August) launched a global campaign in a bid to boost awareness of the natural sweetener among consumers.
The UK-listed group said a “trust mark” entitled “Stevia by PureCircle” would be carried on the packaging of “leading manufacturers around the world”.
The print, digital and TV campaign will start next month alongside other co-marketing activities already in place.
Products with the message “naturally sweetened with stevia by PureCircle”, including True Lemonade powdered beverages, are launching in the US and Latin America, the stevia firm said.
“Our new trust mark campaign, in partnership with our customers, will play a critical role in insuring that stevia maintains a place firmly among other natural ingredients that consumers love and trust,” Jason Hecker, vice president of global marketing at PureCircle, said.
Meanwhile, in a separate announcement, PureCircle said it had started successfully processing leaf sourced from Kenya and Paraguay at its stevia extract facilities in China.
PureCircle also said it had struck a deal to source stevia leaf from S&W Seed Co. and its subsidiary, based in Five Points, California.
The company said the agreement would bring “large-scale stevia cultivation to the US” and was “another milestone in PureCircle’s worldwide expansion of stevia as a large volume commodity crop”.
PureCircle CEO and MD Magomet Malsagov said: “This is an important series of announcements for our stevia supply chain. Our proprietary leaf from Kenya and Paraguay is performing well and underpins our plans to start building extraction capacity in Africa and South America.”